Dear Colleagues,
I am profoundly grateful and reflective that Derek Chauvin has been held to account for the gruesome murder of George Floyd. My heart has broken again for Mr. Floyd’s family and community, as they were forced to re-experience the trauma and tragedy of his death during the trial. What we all witnessed in those nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds of video is not diminished. However, I am heartened that today justice was served. Communities across this country and around the world can pause today, and at this inflection, remember the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. – “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Today the arc bent ever so slightly, but significantly. We must also remember that countless Black lives have systematically been stolen, cut short, and ripped away from their loved ones due to the “othering” and dehumanization of Black people in this country, which is historical and persistent. As a child whose father was murdered by a White man, a crime for which there was no justice served, I am so grateful to have witnessed this verdict in my lifetime.
The racial awakening sparked by George Floyd’s murder is only the first step on a long journey toward reconciliation of the structural racism that still reverberates throughout our communities today. We have what seems like thousands of miles to go before we achieve true criminal justice reform, end mass incarceration, and take the necessary steps to stop the disparate use of excessive force by police against Black and Brown people. I am encouraged that the citizens of the State of Minnesota, the Attorney General, and the prosecutors helped bring about accountability for Derek Chauvin’s egregious actions, which lacked any regard for the sanctity of Mr. Floyd’s life.
This victory is not just for Black folks; this victory is for every citizen around the globe. The revolution for racial justice and police accountability is multi-racial and multi-generational. The work toward justice is long, and it requires persistence, even amidst ever-present tragedy.
We at All Home look forward to working with you as we continue to bend toward justice like a seedling reaching for the light in service of every member of our community.
In solidarity,