In early 2024, the State of California awarded each of the thirteen California Jobs First Regional Collaboratives $9 million in “Catalyst” funding, a unique grant-making source dedicated to moving projects from ideas/pilots (“pre-development activities”) to ready-to-go projects that can then compete for other federal, state, and private funding opportunities. This funding is meant to support the overall California Jobs First program goals of building quality jobs and bolstering California’s resilience to climate and global challenges.
In August 2024, the Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative released the Bay Area region’s funding request for proposals, soliciting applications for “pre-development” projects that center and empower communities and workers, create quality jobs, and address long-standing inequities and climate vulnerabilities. Applicants could apply for up to $1 million for single-county projects and $1.5 million for multi-county projects. The Steering Committee’s Scoring Committee worked diligently to evaluate the proposals, ultimately landing on the final ten projects that the Steering Committee’s Voting Group approved.
Learn more about the region’s 10 awarded projects below!