High Road to Early Childhood Education Consortium

Project lead: Santa Clara County Office of Education
Preliminary partners: Alameda County Office of Education, Contra Costa County First 5, 4Cs of San Mateo County
Counties of operation: Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo
Amount awarded: $1,500,000
Sectors: Child Care and Early Childhood Education

This project will increase the availability and affordability of childcare/early childhood education (ECE) and improve job quality, climate resilience, and opportunities for workforce mobility. There is an urgent need for more subsidized childcare and care during non-traditional hours, especially for African American and Latinx children. The workers who provide essential childcare/ECE—mostly women and BIPOC—are underpaid and often without benefits, training, organizational culture, and worker safety.

Catalyst funding will enable the creation of a broad, multi-county consortium that will break down silos, drive collaboration between sectors, and secure additional funds to accomplish its goals. Ultimately, the project will create and strengthen support and services for parents, and license providers who work during non-traditional hours, and build pipelines for positions. Ensuring that those who provide the essential services of childcare/ECE are part of a well-trained, higher-earning workforce with career progression will improve retention issues in the industry and meet the needs of working families.