On the Edge of Homelessness

On the Edge of Homelessness: The Vulnerability of Extremely Low-Income Households in the Bay Area was authored by Dr. Carolina Reid, published by the Terner Center for Housing Innovation, and prepared for All Home. This research informs all of our work, particularly that of the Regional Impact Council.

The report presents descriptive data about households and individuals with extremely low incomes in the Bay Area, as well as the housing and labor market challenges that keep many of them from thriving.

As the first research report of its kind specifically about the ELI population in the Bay Area—at least half of whom are at the highest risk of becoming homeless—this report provides important insights for policymakers, service providers, and other stakeholders working to prevent homelessness and serve community members with extremely low incomes.

Download the report

Below is an infographic with some key findings from the report: