FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 28, 2022
Contact: Edie Irons, [email protected], 510-334-1344
Today, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2094 (R. Rivas), a bill sponsored by All Home and its Regional Impact Council that would increase transparency in existing building reporting requirements by requiring local jurisdictions to clarify their progress towards building new units for extremely low-income (ELI) households. Tomiquia Moss, CEO and Founder of All Home, released the following statement.
“The overwhelming support for this bill gives me hope, because it means leaders across the political spectrum want to focus on building housing affordable to people with extremely low incomes. We all know we’re not building enough deeply affordable homes and that is a major driver of homelessness across the state. AB 2094 will help us better understand the problem and track our progress towards solutions, so that we can deliver on our housing promises and make sure everyone has a place to call home. This is a simple fix that will strengthen the rest of our work to solve homelessness.
“Thank you to Assemblymembers Robert Rivas and Sharon Quirk-Silva for championing this idea, to our co-sponsor Housing California and the dozens of other organizations that supported the bill, and to Governor Newsom for signing the bill today. We’re excited that our bill is part of a whole package of nearly 40 new housing laws—including AB 2011, SB 6, SB 948—to build more affordable homes faster, address homelessness, and create good jobs and opportunity in the process.”