All Home’s Solutions Modeling is a system modeling tool designed to estimate the investment and added inventory required to implement the Regional Action Plan. Specifically, it estimates the additional homelessness prevention, permanent housing solutions, and interim housing needed to rapidly and substantially reduce unsheltered homelessness in the Bay Area, and the additional funding required. The resulting estimates—included in the updated Regional Action Plan—are also presented in an interactive format in the Regional Action Plan Solutions Dashboard.
The “What it Will Take: Modeling Solutions to Homelessness in the Bay Area” report describes the methods, key assumptions, and data sources used to produce the Solutions Modeling estimates that appear in the RAP Solutions Dashboard. It also describes the motivation behind the distinguishing characteristics of the model, chief among them being the ability to link reductions in new homelessness to expanded investment in targeted homelessness prevention. In presenting this technical explainer for the model, we hope to foster productive conversation about the utility of goal-based system modeling and gather insights informing the continual refinement of the Solutions Modeling tool and the strategic blueprints it provides.