All Home Interim CEO Brett Andrews reacted to today’s Supreme Court ruling in Johnson v. Grant Pass.
“Today’s disappointing Supreme Court ruling may have put false solutions back on the table, but here in the Bay Area we have proven solutions to homelessness at our fingertips. This was a big week for those proven solutions—All Home’s new Regional Action Plan shows exactly what it will take to dramatically reduce homelessness in our region, plus we now know that there will be a transformative affordable housing bond on the ballot in all nine counties this November, which would be a huge down payment on solutions that actually work.
Our Regional Action Plan would dramatically reduce homelessness by expanding three solutions at the same time: prevent homelessness before it happens; create more safe, dignified interim housing options that are preferable to encampments, and make permanent housing affordable to people exiting homelessness. This November, voters will have the opportunity to fund proven solutions like these and finally start turning this intolerable situation around. We shouldn’t let today’s ruling distract us from the proven solutions right in front of us.”