Catalyst Open for Applications

The Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative’s Steering Committee is pleased to announce that the Bay Area Region Catalyst Opportunity is open and accepting applications. 

As part of the Regional Investment Initiative (formerly known as CERF), the Catalyst Program allocates up to $9M to each of California’s 13 regions to help bridge the gap between planning and implementation of projects. Catalyst funds will support each region’s Collaborative to offer investments needed to prepare projects and/or pilot project ideas (pre-development activities).

Through the Catalyst Program, we are looking to distribute $9 million for pre-development activities for initiatives that will help build a long-lasting regional economic development infrastructure in the Bay Area that centers and empowers communities and workers, creates quality jobs, and addresses long-standing inequalities and climate vulnerabilities.

The Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative’s goal is to re-envision regional economic development planning, centered around the values of equity, high-road employment, sustainability and climate resilience, and shaped by workers and impacted community members themselves.

The deadline to apply is Friday, September 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

To learn more, you can join our next monthly stakeholder meeting on Wednesday, August 28th (register here) or join the following office hours:

We will also be hosting a bidders conference on Thursday, August 29th from 3:00 – 4:00pm on Zoom. Please register here to receive the link.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

In partnership,
Bay Area Jobs First Steering Committee