All Home’s Solutions Modeling estimates the number of additional housing solutions required to reduce unsheltered homelessness, with the associated cost. This dashboard presents the most recent estimates in an interactive format.
For the Bay Area region and each county within it, users can adjust the targets for reducing unsheltered homelessness and preventing new homelessness and compare the solutions and resources required to implement the chosen goals.
Adjusting the level of prevention reveals the interdependence of the three core solutions–homelessness prevention, permanent housing solutions, and interim housing–and demonstrates how reducing new incidences of homelessness lowers overall costs and the need for new housing solutions.
Learn more from the Regional Action Plan 2024: Building an Effective Homelessness Response System in the Bay Area.
How to use and read the dashboard
The green boxes at the top allow users to adjust three key elements:
- Location: view estimates for any of the nine Bay Area counties or for the region as a whole.
- Reduce Unsheltered Homelessness by: adjust the target for the percent reduction in unsheltered homelessness.
- Prevent New Homelessness by: adjust the percent reduction in annual new homelessness to be achieved through new prevention assistance.
The four panels of the dashboard each tell a part of the story:
- Projected Homelessness Trends (upper left) displays the estimated number of people experiencing homelessness on a given day in unsheltered settings (in red, including people living on the street, in encampments, or in vehicles), and in sheltered settings (in turquoise, including people staying in shelter or interim housing) for each year. The dashed line displays the estimated number of people exiting homelessness to permanent housing in a given year.
- Inventory Added & Total Costs (upper right) displays the total number of new units or interventions added to reach the targets selected in the green interactive boxes, with their associated costs. Users can choose to view total interventions and costs for either a five- or ten-year timeline.
- New Interim Housing Needed (bottom left)- displays the number of existing shelter beds or interim housing units (in gray) and the projected number of new interim housing units added (in pink) to reach annual targets.
- New Annual Costs by Program (bottom right)- displays the estimated annual cost for each core solution type–homelessness prevention, interim housing, and permanent housing. Users can choose whether to view total costs (all) or view only capital costs (one-time expenditures to build new permanent and interim housing) or costs for operations and services (including all prevention assistance, rental assistance, and ongoing support and services for newly constructed affordable and PSH units).
- Prevention: rapid, flexible financial assistance with housing stabilization services and legal services when necessary, targeted to households most vulnerable to becoming homeless. Learn more about targeted homelessness prevention.
- Interim Housing: dwellings designed to provide a short-term home in which to stabilize and heal after living on the streets, on the way to a permanent home. Interim housing offers a basic level of supportive services, individual privacy, security, freedom to come and go, and space to keep belongings.
- Permanent Housing Solutions: a spectrum of subsidized housing assistance intended to meet the varied needs of individuals and families exiting homelessness. The modeling includes four broad categories:
- Short-term assistance– a general category including one-time or time-limited financial or rental assistance and problem-solving support, including but not limited to Rapid Re-Housing. Operations/Services costs only.
- Ongoing Rental Subsidy: comparable to Housing Choice Vouchers, which provide subsidies to low-income households renting on the private market.
- New Affordable Housing – newly developed, deeply affordable housing units (affordable to people with extremely low incomes) with dedicated, ongoing funding for operations.
- New Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH): newly developed, deeply affordable housing units that require additional funding to provide ongoing supportive services for residents to stay healthy and housed.
See What It Will Take: Modeling Solutions to Homelessness in the Bay Area for a description of the methods used to calculate the estimates displayed above.