Sector Investment Coordinators

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain services to support the Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative (the Collaborative) in implementing its Regional Economic Strategic Plan (Regional Plan). This includes developing and administering investment strategies (“Activation Plans”) for the region’s priority industry sectors, building the region’s capacity to compete for federal, state, and other funding, and strengthening relationships key to the Regional Plan’s success. The Collaborative seeks proposals for up to five Sector Investment Coordinators. Applicants can include individuals, nonprofits, companies, and private firms. Subcontracting is welcome.

Applicants must have expertise in, or the ability to subcontract to individuals with expertise in, one or more of the following industries:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Battery Manufacturing
  • Childcare and Early Childhood Education
  • Healthcare
  • Transportation Electrification

The period of performance will be no sooner than the end of March 2025 through September 30, 2026. Proposals must be received by Friday, February 28, 2025, at 5:00 pm PT. Please submit your proposals to the Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative at [email protected] with the subject line “Sector Investment Coordinators – Proposal”. The following items must be submitted with your proposals:

One (1) PDF document with:

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Proposal Narrative Responses
  • Entity Profile
  • Reference Letters
  • Compliance Questions Responses
  • Required Forms

One (1) Excel document with

Please read through the full RFP for important details.

Additional Information

We will host a Bidder’s Conference (an informational session for applicants) on February 20, 2025 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PT. You can register here to receive the Zoom link.


  • Regional Plan Part 2 – outlines target sectors and strategies for the Bay Area Region to guide economic development and growth that prioritizes equity, job quality, climate resiliency, and community voice. 
  • Catalyst Program Framework – State of California program description for Sector Investment Coordinators.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section will be updated regularly as the Collaborative receives questions from potential applicants. Applicants can submit questions to [email protected]

Question: Who is eligible to apply for this funding?
Answer: Eligible applicants include: individuals, nonprofit organizations, companies, and private firms. Subcontracting is also welcome for this RFP.

Question: Who is ineligible to apply for this funding?
Answer: Bay Area Jobs First Collaborative Steering Committee member organizations that received funding through the Catalyst Program. Individuals and their organizations who participated in the Collaborative Steering Committee’s Sector Investment Coordinator RFP Procurement Design Working Group and RFP Review Committee.

Question: My firm would like to apply for all the sectors, and to subcontract to the coordinators. Is this permissible for this grant?
Answer: Yes, this is possible. 

Question: I would like to apply for multiple sectors – do I have to submit a separate application for each sector?
Answer: No, but please speak to your qualifications for all sectors you are applying for in your application.

Question: My firm would like to apply for multiple sectors – a 400-word count feels too little. Are we able to write more?
Answer: For those applying for multiple sectors, please disregard the 400-word count and write what you feel is necessary to convey your qualifications for the RFP.

Question: I sent my application at 5pm PST on February 28, 2025. Why hasn’t it been accepted
Answer: Unfortunately, applications must be received by 5pm PST on February 28, 2025. Please plan to submit a few minutes before the deadline in case of any email server delays.